
My review starts with the emotional scene of the series. Poor Terry Bellfleur.


Let’s talk Terry, and how his final day on earth wound up being like some horrible Twilight Zone-style morbid twist for Arlene – who finally had the freakin’ genius idea to get a vampire to force Terry to forget his trauma. So she got one night with him where he was free and unburdened. But the swerve at the end – the fairy tale gone wrong – was that he wasn’t planning on killing himself. I think we all knew something bad was going to come of the glamouring because nothing happy lasts for more than a few hours on this show, but I just figured that Terry would somehow wind up being, you know extra tormented. Somehow. But his death was well done and his exit from the series was a welcome one because I cannot see where his story has anywhere else to go.


Jessica clearly has met her new love interest as I am led to believe because of the fact that this vampire is probably going to make her see she’s not a bad person but in the long run I think you will know from my Twitter Roleplay Account that I am indeed realizing this myself with the help of @TB_ChaceAustin and @GODRlC.

Now not leading to far up away from this topic I actullay think Jessica and Jason will never really go anywhere further after Jason comes in to save the day once again.

Pam and Eric. Never were going to fight and I like how Pam suddenly has the abilities to fly/hover?



Also, there was a part of me that sort of wanted Nora to die in front of Eric. Not trying to be overly morbid here, but I think it would have humbled Eric some and maybe even gotten him see and feel Burrell’s side of the pain.

I don’t mention Sookie much but… the whole Faerie land Sex scene. Really is quite a human turn on. Enough said.



I don’t know if I should be more terrified. Bill can see the future and apparently we’re all gonna burn. Eric, Pam, Tara, Nora and Me. I don’t know what im supposed to do but I hope if there is a God or something that he heard me. I hope he keeps Jason and Sookie safe and everyone else I care about.


Episodes 3 -4 of True Blood season 5

Hello bloggers!!!!

My god am I amazed with the most recent two episodes of season 5. We finally get to see some fairies. And Hadley has returned on our screens dropping another bombshell like usual… And I think it’s great to finally see where she ended up but she’s doing no better than when she’s was with Sophie Anne and being in love with her to being stuck working as what I think is Club Hooligans but I don’t some how think I’m right there. But finally we see that Hadley is doing okay the only sad thing of it I guess is I wish in the books they had followed it and maybe Hadley could of been turned by Sophie Anne before she died the true death but once again this is Alan Ball’s creation not the Sookie Stackhouse novels.

So what do I think of it so far….

Well the authority seem to kinda drain on me… Very much like twilights volturi. But hey everyone needs a boss of some kind.

Eric and Bill well there scenes together are good but it’s starting to get boring about talking on how there going to get Russell Edgington and more doing boys!!! I mean seeing if it was Pam well obviously its not but people might have thought she had done it to get back at Eric being in love with Sookie and so on drama but I knew deep down it wasn’t Pam.

Tara may actually be a useful vampire at once she gets over this childish thing of not feeding on anyone and actually might grow up a fair bit. I like the Pam becoming a better maker in the last episode mostly as she finally takes control of the situation. So well done Pam your in my good books for once!!

Won’t spoil anymore but after the next 2 episodes I’ll write again.


True Blood Season 5 is back and well what do I think….

So hello bloggers!

True Blood is back and having watched the first two episodes online! (yes fellow uk people if you know where to go you will be able to watch it!) and I was so great full that it kicked off right after season 4.
However do not continue reading if you don’t like spoilers!!

The whole Tara being a vampire is kinda not surprising it’s rather well….. It’s okay. The thing is they have portrayed Tara as this out of control vampire who will drain and feed and hunt on anything pretty much. Okay so to me it’s a little annoying as she does also say she hates Sookie and Lafayette for her being turned in episode 2.

I was so yearning for Lafayette to stake Tara in episode 2, because I don’t like what Alan Ball has done and if I had the chance I would happily view my opinions on True Bites hosted by the wonderful Darling Sookie and the rest. But back to the point… Tara is this wild creature and of course it seems to me that Pam will never take responsibility and if this was book Pam Ravenscroft she would also be a much better maker, so no I dont like the whole Pam and Tara thing.

Pam is also more pathetic than ever and because she’s still wallowing about the whole Eric thing from season 4. And we see the Pam issue being taken so much further, surely she would of sensed as Eric’s child that something has happened to him with the authority. More so Eric and Pam’s relationship is damaged far more as Eric also is hiding things from Pam like his so called sister which in the first episode you get a very intense sex scene. But seriously comparing book Eric and Pam to the show Eric and Pam surely there relationship should be much more better! However the good thing I have liked with the whole situation is the flash back scenes and it’s really nice to see how the show Pam was turned.

I’d love to say more but I’m looking forward to the next few episodes especially Sookie using her flashy hands on Pam… She’s got it coming to her!! Lol.

Not going to ruin the rest and ya all may disagree with me but get watching!!



Day 14 #Fangathon 2012 – Sookie’s lovers

Hey! Is it me or is it the case where Sookie goes through several lovers before she meets Eric and feels like he’s the one but then blames the bond they have and so on…. I mean does this girl actually have a rebound at all like most of us normal people would… Okay she’s fictional but still… Really??? I mean she jumped into a relationship with Bill eventually in book 1 but as the books progressed she seems to have no break from going on dates with the next guy, even if they end badly or not! Although in the last and most recent few books she’s been with Eric and they’ve had an interesting relationship, but after reading DeadLocked they are on the verge of what I think is a breakup!

Sookie you need to slow down and take time heal from Eric I hope!!!

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Day 10 #fangathon2012 – favourite death….

Day 10…. Only 20 more days till season 5 hits the screens again but for me a lot longer!

True blood… My favourite death which is also included into the southern vampire mysteries would be the moment Sookie stakes Lorena. It’s a classic moment in book 3 and on the third series of true blood and I’ve enjoyed watching it many times.


True Bites

At 2am British time of torture it was time for me to rise for the night and discuss True Blood, Fangathon and everything else on the radio with @DarlingSookie @TB_PamR and @VampKingBill.

Although i was so nervous of what we were going to discuss Bill and Sookie made some very good points and some interesting theory’s that made me reconsider my own baby vamp thoughts…

I particularly like the theory of the possibility that Steve Newlin was made by the Authority. But there were so many valid points bought up for True Blood between Bill, Sookie and Pam and in all honestly I felt a little out of place with my own theories and thoughts.

However the show is fantastic on discussing everything so if you missed it, feel free to catch up and listen now….

I hope I’ll be back to give my British side of things again sometime…


Day 7 #Deadlocked – My review.


When I last wrote about this book I was half way through, having finished it last night quite happily I was in complete shock with the turn of events.
Many things are revealed in this book however most people seem to just want to know who Sookie is going to end up with and live happily ever after with in the next book.
This book sets the second foundation since Dead Reckoning the previous book and the way it was written gave me a lot of second thoughts.

My first thought is… Who is Sookie going to end up with in the next book? Now I have my theories.

1) it could be Sam. They could both finally realise together that as we all know is that Sam loves Sookie in one way and there the best of friends with what happens at the end of deadlocked I feel like there could be sparking some serious feelings after Sookie saves him.

2) It could be Quinn. Now Sookie has an up and down relationship with Quinn in the last few books, however they both never quite got to progress there relationship any further as Eric came into Sookie’s life and Quinn went and fell in love with someone else. But when Quinn called Sookie to say happy birthday and share his news with her, I felt sorry for him but I also knew that this is an opening, Charlaine Harris has put this back in to maybe make Sookie think she can maybe help Quinn and maybe fall in love with him again but this is just a theory.

3) However after also reading Deadlocked I’m afraid to say that I think Eric and Sookie’s relationship is going to fall apart as Sookie didn’t use cluviel dor for his situation, however I also think that maybe since the bond has been broken between Eric and Sookie that Sookie can no longer give an excuse for her feelings, she clearly and deeply loves Eric but if Charlaine is going to give Sookie everything she wants in the next book then maybe Eric is going to be able to give her children or something too. But to me that sounds silly and I feel stupid even writing about it.

There was a lot of pregnancies and engagements and so on in this book, maybe Charlaine was just pointing out to Sookie what she’s missing.
Either way I hope Sookie ends up with the right person.

I’m also glad to say that I’m really relieved that the Fairys have gone back now to there own world and won’t be in the next book at all. I was sad to see the departure of Dermot as he’s been nothing but a sweetheart to Sookie but we can officially rule out that she won’t end up with a Fairy.

The book has given me a lot of guessing to and from and it’s got a lot of problems going on but I’m happy to say that I’ve enjoyed reading it throughout. I will be sad to see how the series ends next year but I’m sure it will be worth the wait.

So get reading if you’ve been reading the other books!


Day 6 #Fangathon2012 Favourite quote….

Now here is to make a bit of a statement, I don’t like True Blood’s Pam Swynford De Beaufort and if you notice the full name you will realise I’m not talking about Pam Ravenscroft from the Southern Vampire Mysteries.

However there is one particular quote that I did like from Alan Ball’s version of Pam and it’s the following…

Pam: I am so over Sookie and her precious fairy vagina and her unbelievably stupid name. F**k Sookie!

I loved this quote, every time I re watch True Blood Season 4 this quote makes me laugh a lot, normally I hate whatever Pam comes out with because she’s nothing but whiny, arrogant and has a hatred for Sookie, but for once Alan Ball got me right in the heart and made me laugh because on screen Pam looked so pathetic and it’s a shame because she’s nothing like Pam in the books.

So that’s my favourite quote. See ya all tomorrow!


Day 5 #Fangathon2012 – My favourite book.

For #Fangathon day 5……

This subject has actually been difficult for me to decide as its taken me a while to adjust who is my favourite character as well in this book but I cannot choose….
I’m a big fan of the books as well as True Blood as I have stated in my previous blog entries and I have a terrible time of repeating myself too (haha!) but if I had to pick out any book mostly for the Southern Vampire Mysteries it would be Definitely Dead – book number 6!

What’s it about? Well I shall tell you…..

As a person with so few living relatives, Louisiana cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse really hated to lose one. But she never guessed that it would be her cousin Hadley—a consort of the Vampire Queen Sophie-Anne of New Orleans. After all, technically speaking, Hadley was already dead. And now, as unexpected heir to Hadley’s estate, Sookie discovers the inheritance definitely comes with a risk.
Someone doesn’t want Sookie looking too deeply into Hadley’s past—or for that matter, Hadley’s possessions. And they’re prepared to do anything in their power to stop her. But who? The range of suspects runs from the Rogue Weres who reject Sookie as a friend of the Pack to the Vampire Queen herself, who could be working through a particularly vulnerable subject—Sookie’s first love, Bill.

This book was so intense and I love a good intense book. We get to see the development of Queen Sophie-Anne and her vulnerable teenage side but we also discover more about Sookie’s family and I love the whole relationship Sookie forms with Quinn, it gave me the chills when I read this book and I’m most definitely wish the rest of the books were like this.
My favourite part about the book is that it’s set away from Bon Temps, the scenes are beautifully described about New Orleans and other places where the vampires are based.
I love all the characters in this book and the plots.
I won’t ruin it for people who haven’t read it yet….
So that would be my favourite book.
